Stratford Christian Reformed Church

Pastor Martin Dam

Services at 9:30 a.m. and bi-weekly at 6:30 p.m. Check our calendar for details.
To listen to morning services from home, call

190 Athlone Crescent
Stratford, ON N4Z 1H9 [Map]

Church with cross

Ways to Give

Donations & Tithes

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

- 2 Corinthians9:7-8

Church Envelopes

Each member receives a box of envelopes every December with an identification number. Your envelopes allow you to direct your offerings and receive a tax receipt. Second collection designations can be made on the "other" line of the envelope.

Multiple designations for second collection can be made on one envelope. One cheque can be written and causes specified.It is not necessary to write multiple cheques or use multiple envelopes.

If you forget your envelope, please mark your cheques with your envelope number which allows the counting committee to correctly designate your donations and allows for anonymity.

Unmarked envelopes are designated as follows: 80% goes to the General Fund and 20% goes to Ministry Shares.

Donating Electronically

There are several ways to donate electronically, including e-transfer, The Bridge App and Direct Deposit.

E-transfer can be sent to The donations will be automatically deposited so no need for a security question and answer. Please include in the message where the donation is to be directed: for example – General Fund, Ministry Shares, Deacons Fund or for the second collection (please put the name and/or date). If there is no message it will be divided between General Fund and Ministry Shares.

The Bridge App can also process your donations through its secure platform, accessible here.

Pre-Authorized Debit authorizes the bank to withdraw money from your bank account on a monthly basis to be placed in either the General Fund or a Trust fund for Ministry Shares. If you are interested in this option, a Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement can be made available on request. If you would like to sign up for this option, contact the treasurer Brenda Greydanus.

Offering Bags

Two bags are passed during the Collection. 1st Bag (green): "B" (for Budget), General Fund/Ministry Shares of the Denomination. 2nd Bag (red): Weekly collection for various causes.


Year End tax statements are issued for Vouchers. Cash can only be tracked to the giver if it is in numbered envelopes. To fill out a Voucher Request Form, please include the # of Vouchers for each dollar denomination, Grand Total and Your Envelope Number. Put Cash/Cheque with Voucher Request in an envelope and place in either Collection Bag. Within a few weeks the Counting Committee will have placed your vouchers in your mail slot.

The Total in Cash or Cheque for all vouchers are put into a Trust Fund. When you contribute to a specific cause, the vouchers are counted and moved from the Trust Fund to the Specific Cause Vouchers can be put into either Collection bag. Use your Vouchers like cash in the Offering Bags.

The total amount of Vouchers you request will be recorded and added to your end of year Tax Statement Vouchers cannot be carried over to the next year (you will still receive full amount purchased on your Tax Statement).